Saturday, December 17, 2016

5 Ab Moves for a Tight Stomach


5 Ab Moves for a Tight Stomach

After having 3 kids I was so ready to have my abs back.  First I realized that I will need to shred the fat off by eating clean, second I need to rebuild my abs to make them strong again by figuring out what ab exercises are the best to do.  Who has ever tried to do a sit up a week or two after having a baby? I know I have and It was impossible.  It can become devastating!  Today I want to share with you 5 ab moves that I do weekly. I love these moves because they have made my abs really strong and they are easy to do with little strain to the neck but yet they make your abs scream. These 5 ab moves for a tight stomach will help bring those before baby abs back.

I liked to do each workout 3 sets of 15.  There are a few ab workouts that you will work on each side so each side you will do 15. For example Right side one, Left side one. Right side two, Left side two all the way until you hit 15, repeated 3 times.


Move 1. Lay down flat on your back with arms extended over your head. Then you want to slowly move your hands and your feet into a V position, meeting together at the top. Then going back down to the starting position.

Mason Twists

Move 2.  You will need a light weight with this move. Start by sitting on your bottom with legs bent in the air and hands holding weight in front of your stomach. Then you’re going to want to drop the weight to your right side almost touching the floor , back to middle, then to your left side almost touching the floor. Remember each side you do 15 reps to equal one set.

Plank Twists

Move 3. Start in a plank position on elbows, make sure you keep your whole body inline. Then you’re going to drop your hips to the right side touching the floor, back to center and then to the left side touching the floor. Remember each side you do 15 reps to equal one set.


Move 4.  Start with laying on your back, placing your hands by your bottom (you can place them under your bottom too), legs about a foot off the ground. Then your going to open your legs and cross your left foot on top like scissors. Open your legs and cross the right leg on top like scissors. Remember each side you do 15 reps to equal one set.

5 Ab Moves for a Tight Stomach


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