Thursday, September 10, 2015

12 Beauty Hacks for Lazy Girls


12 Beauty Hacks for Lazy Girls

It's totally OK to admit that contouring and winged eyeliner are not part of your makeup routine. There are plenty of beauty hacks for lazy girls that will make you look just as fab as those pros who spend a good part of their day putting their face on. It's not that you need makeup, it's just that getting glam can be fun sometimes. Who doesn't love to look fabulous? You're down to wear makeup and engage in some pretty princess pampering, but the sheer effort involved in a standard beauty routine means lip gloss gets glossed over and concealer remains hidden at the bottom of your makeup bag. Because, honestly, it's only fun without all the effort — where are the beauty tips and tricks that don't involve hard work?

Blogger : Sunrise
Source : image


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