Friday, September 11, 2015

101 Best Tips for Clear Skin


101 Best Tips for Clear Skin

Whether you struggled with acne as a teen, you’re battling dark spots in your twenties, or you haven’t quite figured out how to get clear skin based on your own skin type, everyone struggles with less than perfect skin. In a world of constant photo sharing and status updating, the pressure is on to constantly have clear skin, but doing so can be incredibly difficult. Because everyone (including us!) could use some help in the clear skin department, we’ve compiled the 101 best tricks and tips for clear skin below – start reading to get your skin to it’s ideal place in no time, and bookmark this page for those times when you’re struggling – it happens to us all, but now you’ll know how to make the fixes you need.

101. For bad acne marks, a chemical peel can help to reduce or eliminate the discoloration of skin.

100. If you struggle with hormonal breakouts every month, reduce your alcohol and dairy intake and you’ll see an improvement in your skin.

99. The biggest mistake you can make is leaving your makeup on overnight. Keep makeup remover wipes at your bedside table to avoid acne in the morning.

98. Berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, plus they have a low glycemic index so they won’t raise your blood sugar. Because sugar can stimulate a breakout, eating berries will reduce the risk of pimples.

97. Exercise is important to staying healthy and keeping your skin clear, and Dr. Ava Shamban suggests exercising for about 15 minutes a day to keep toxins in your body at bay and maintain clear skin.

96. Using SPF every day will prevent wrinkles and dark spots, while dark spot correctors can reduce the appearance of marks over time.

95. When you work out, be sure to wash your face both before and after you exercise. Leaving makeup on your face while you exercise means that it will mix with your sweat and clog pores, so be sure to start and end with clean skin.

94. Hydration is key to clear skin. Dehydration causes breakouts, because the skin overcompensates and produces more oil than necessary when it’s dry, which in turn causes you to break out. Drink more water!

MORE: Eat Your Way to Get Skin

93. When a pimple comes along and you need to get rid of it ASAP, try a spot treatment like Clinique’s Acne Solutions Spot Healing Gel. It helps to zap pimples in as little as 12 hours.

92. Grapefruit is packed with antioxidants, so using skin care products containing grapefruit will help to wake up your skin and leave it feeling clean and fresh.

91. To get rid of any body acne, make sure you don’t “stew in your own sweat;” shower with salicylic acid wash immediately after you workout to avoid clogging your pores.

90. If you’re going to pop a pimple at home, do it the right way. Sterilize your hands and a small needle with rubbing alcohol, then gently puncture the whitehead of the pimple, just enough to break the skin. Using a clean cotton swab, press on either side of the pimple until it’s drained. Cover with a bandage to keep the area clean while it’s healing.

89. Oil from your hair will get onto your pillowcase as you sleep, so change your pillowcases once a week to avoid sleeping on oil all night long.

88. Rosewater is both balancing and soothing, making it great for all skin types to even out redness and calm any irritation that may be happening.

87. Smoking not only dulls your skin and causes blotchiness, it will also give you wrinkles. Ditch the habit (you’ll thank us later).

86. When you get acne, try your best not to pick at it. The dirt and oil on your fingers can make things worse with bacteria and you’ll risk infection, which can lead to scarring.

85. If you can find a tube of moisturizer instead of a jar, use that. The bacteria from your fingers that touches the lotion each time you go to apply it stays in the jar and goes onto your face. If you must use a jar, use a cotton swab to apply product.

84. Benzoyl peroxide products that reduce acne are only good for up to three months after they’ve been opened, then the ingredients become inactive. If you’ve got an old tube, toss it in favor of a new one.

Blogger : Sunrise
Source : image


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