Sunday, October 11, 2015

7 Reasons You are Losing Hair


7 Reasons You are Losing Hair

According to professionals, losing a certain amount of hair every day is par for the course. “There is a range, and that range is anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs a day,” Cartersville, Georgia, trichologist Yvonne Solomon says. What is considered excessive? Whatever seems excessive to your normal standards is a good reason to get yourself checked out. If you are starting to notice your drain clogging up too often, there may be a reason behind it.

“When someone [comes in] with excessive hair loss, trichologists try to figure out when it started,” Solomon says. “We go back three months to see what significant events have taken place, because that’s how long it takes [the hair cycle to be disrupted].”

While everyone’s body is different, and getting checked out by a professional is always recommended, here are some common reasons you might be starting to shed.

Diet is the biggie. “Like with any cellular activity in your body, proper nutrition is necessary,” Solomon says. “Our diet today is sorely lacking in nutrients."

Iron, zinc, Vitamin D, omega-3s, and protein are all required nutrients for healthy hair.

Weight Loss
Rapid or extreme changes in your weight will cause a shock to your system, with hair being the first casualty. “Hair is always the first thing to react, so it’s important to pay attention to it,” Solomon says.

Change in Medication
A new medication might causes a shift in the body, Solomon says. “Certain medications will deplete certain nutrients in the body and cause hair fallout.” She says you don’t need to stop taking that medication, but to consult a trichologist about supplements you can take to amend the depletion.

Blogger : Sunrise
Source : image


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