Saturday, October 10, 2015

How to Tell If You're Normal Down There


How to Tell If You're Normal Down There

Right there among life's great questions, like "Is there an afterlife?" and "Why did I have to memorize the annual agricultural output of Nebraska in middle school?" lies perhaps the most daunting, most pressing question of them all: "Is my vagina normal?" Well, you can stop worrying, because the answer is yes — and no. See, there is not really any such thing as a normal vagina. Like the leprechaun or the CHUD, the idea of there being one kind of "normal vagina" is a total myth.

Despite the things you may have seen in porn or heard from some of your more weirdly judgmental friends, vaginas — a term which people often use to refer to both the internal vagina itself and the vulva, the set of external genitals that includes the clitoris and the labia — come in an IKEA's worth of sizes, shapes, colors, and other physical variations. However wrinkly or smooth or flappy or bumpy your vagina is, it is a normal vagina.

However, since so many of us have been taught that an healthy or attractive vulva looks a very specific way — short, thin inner labia that don't protrude, with a small, visible clitoris, light-toned skin, and a lack of vaginal discharge — it can be easy to get worried that a partner won't find your junk attractive ... or even worse, that you're having a health problem just because your Georgia O'Keefe doesn't look like all the vaginas you keep seeing on Tumblr.

Odds are that your vagina is A-OK. But just to give you some piece of mind, here's our guide to the different shapes and sizes vaginas and vulvas can come in (as well as a few signs that things are actually not well down below). Are you ready? People, let's learn about our fun-caves!

Blogger : Sunrise
Source : image


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